Safety & Security Committee
With the unfortunate rise in antisemitic acts across the country, Sha'arei Torah has developed plans to address the spectrum of security concerns that might occur. We are very fortunate to have local professional resources available to us from Safe Cincinnati as well as the Amberley Village Police Department. In addition to heightened security our Emergency Response Plan (ERP) includes preparedness for a multitude of first aid, medical, and general emergency situations. We have dedicated volunteers providing security patrols, medical assistance, first aid, and weather related support and direction. We continue to bring in professionals for direct volunteer training and also invite the general congregation to partake in the valuable lessons being taught, such as: general first aid, intruder education, and tourniquet application. We currently employ Amberley Police officers to be present at our facility and support them with our own Security Ushers.
To help with any of these committee activities, please contact Bob Rosen.
To help with any of these committee activities, please contact Bob Rosen.
Ways to get involved:
Security Usher Rotation
Medical Team
First Aid
Training and Equipment Maintenance
Medical Team
First Aid
Training and Equipment Maintenance